My New Book is Coming Soon! Warrior Fit: Being Fit Isn't Just Physical

I'm so glad you found my blog!
This is where I'll be sharing updates about my coming book, along with bite size nuggets of inspiration and practical tools for you to try out.
Is something in your life falling apart? Maybe the whole darn thing?
I've been there and done that, and I learned a lot along the way.
The lessons I learned and the tools I acquired gave me the strength to face life-altering challenges, like losing my job of twenty-five years, becoming an empty nester, and handling the stress imposed by the pandemic and changing economy.
I want to share my own personal experiences and discovery as a way to encourage you to embrace the changes needed to get to the other side.
Let's start with this little bit of inspiration:
Note to self (and others):
“The only people who don’t have problems are in a cemetery.”
—Norman Vincent Peale